The Wayside Pastor
A Message from Pastor Fel
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism wrote in 1786 when he was 83 years old: “I do not fear that the people called Methodists shall ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. I only fear that they shall exist as a dead sect having the form of religion, but not the power thereof, and that undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast to the doctrine, discipline and spirit which they first set out.”
We are the church together. We are followers of Jesus Christ. We are disciples of Jesus called to make other disciples for the transformation of the world. Wayside UMC shall continue to exist, by the grace of God, in witness as a Community of Faith and Love and A Home for the Heart of People who are seeking to be found and to belong because We CARE (Connect to God. Align People. Recognize Gifts for Ministry. Extend Helping Hand to the World).
Making disciples of Jesus with you,